“Most of our narcotics decrease a patient’s pain by 3 to 5 points. If you go from 10, meaning the worst pain you can imagine, to 5, that’s significant. In some cases Charlie reduced a patient’s pain from 10 to zero. He also treated people with infections where antibiotics were not effective. You could see the shift in a patient’s status from stagnant to a rapid healing resolution. I can’t quantify it, but I would say Charlie cut days off patients’ hospital stays. Watching him work has been humbling in the most extreme way.”
Putting his work
to the test.
Charlie’s ability to heal has drawn the interest of medical professionals, scientists, and leaders in the health space worldwide.

Dr. Ramsey Joudeh, MD
Internal Medicine Specialist, NYU HOSPITAL, NYC

Dr. Vivian Burkhardt, MD
Internal Medicine Specialist, NYU HOSPITAL, NYC
“The first day when we started one patient went from 8 to 3 on the pain scale, It was miraculous, within five seconds of Charlie closing his eyes, the patient reported the decrease in pain. What was really impressive was the speed and the size of the effects he had without touching patients or saying anything. Some colleagues were in disbelief. Some just smirked and moved on. Not everybody has seen what he can do.”

Dr. Tanuj Sood, MD
Internal Medicine Specialist, NYU HOSPITAL, NYC
“I first met Charlie when I was a medical student at a community hospital in Brooklyn. When he first introduced himself and explained the nature of his work as a healer, I was admittedly skeptical. In medical school, our education is primarily based on western medicine and we were taught to approach any alternative with skepticism. As I spent time with Charlie and saw how successful he was with treating patients’ previously intractable pain, I became more and more accepting of his healing abilities as a substitute to pills and injections.
Currently, in the midst of an opioid epidemic, Charlie’s talents as a healer are more relevant than ever. As a practising physician, I welcome this treatment option as a safer alternative to the current convention of pain management.”

Dr. Alan, DO
Chairman , Department of Family Medicine, Ambulatory Care and Community Medicine
“I have been working with Charlie Goldsmith for the past year. I was connected to him by a colleague of mine who is the former NIH director of Complementary Medicine. I was initially skeptical of his ability to heal but agreed to meet. It did not take long before I was not only a believer but am sure that the work Charlie does helping people is real and has a tremendous impact on his patients' wellbeing. I can not tell you how it works, I can just tell you it really works.
I have now seen Charlie help improve the lives of hundreds of people. I saw a man get up and walk who was bedbound for months as well as improvements to the pain, mobility and wellbeing of hundreds of others. I am so confident that his abilities are real that I am stating my 40-year medical career reputation on it by helping arrange clinical studies at my hospital and medical school.”
Putting his work
to the test.
Charlie’s ability to heal has drawn the interest of medical professionals, scientists, and leaders in the health space worldwide.

Dr. Ramsey Joudeh, MD
Internal Medicine Specialist, NYU HOSPITAL, NYC
“Most of our narcotics decrease a patient’s pain by 3 to 5 points. If you go from 10, meaning the worst pain you can imagine, to 5, that’s significant.

Dr. Vivian Burkhardt, MD
Internal Medicine Specialist, NYU HOSPITAL, NYC
“The first day when we started one patient went from 8 to 3 on the pain scale, It was miraculous, within five seconds of Charlie closing his eyes, the patient reported the decrease in pain. What was really impressive was the speed and the size of the effects he had without touching patients or saying anything.

Dr. Tanuj Sood, MD
Internal Medicine Specialist, NYU HOSPITAL, NYC
“I first met Charlie when I was a medical student at a community hospital in Brooklyn. When he first introduced himself and explained the nature of his work as a healer, I was admittedly skeptical.
Currently, in the midst of an opioid epidemic, Charlie’s talents as a healer are more relevant than ever. As a practising physician, I welcome this treatment option as a safer alternative to the current convention of pain management.”

Dr. Alan, DO
Chairman , Department of Family Medicine, Ambulatory Care and Community Medicine
“I have been working with Charlie Goldsmith for the past year. I was connected to him by a colleague of mine who is the former NIH director of Complementary Medicine.
I have now seen Charlie help improve the lives of hundreds of people. I saw a man get up and walk who was bedbound for months as well as improvements to the pain, mobility and wellbeing of hundreds of others. I am so confident that his abilities are real that I am stating my 40-year medical career reputation on it by helping arrange clinical studies at my hospital and medical school.”
Learn from Charlie.